Thursday, December 20, 2007

deer repellants 101

Deer repellants fall into a number of categories, depending on which senses they are offending. Deer have a very strong sense of smell, disliking strong fragrance, and predator evidence. Predator evidence can be the smell of the predator as in the case of synthetic or collected musks or urines, or the kill. Carrion type repellants can have a benefit, when you use fertilizers for the effect. These would include bone, meat, or blood meal products, ground chicken feathers, fishmeal’s, and sludge products such as Milorganite.
The second category of repellants assaults the sense of taste. They are bitter, soapy, spicy, or plain yucky, as in the case of rotten milk or eggs. A combination of these tastes applied with an anti-transpirant to help them last works best, and achieves even coverage .
Check out the links for recipe's, and products.
Do you have a story, or recipe that has worked, please reply to comments, I would love to post it here.


Unknown said...

I got to my garden either after it rains or mist the plants and sprinkle red pepper on them.

Unknown said...

I mist my plants and sprinkle them with red pepper. I also tye Irish Spring on some plant stem holders with panty hose and put them around the garden.